Asbestos management plans

If you have management or control of a workplace that has identified asbestos, you must ensure that an asbestos management plan is prepared.

An asbestos management plan sets out how asbestos or asbestos containing material that is identified at the workplace will be managed and must include:

  • the location of asbestos and any naturally occurring asbestos
  • the decisions that have been made about the management of asbestos at the workplace and the reasons for them (for example safe work procedures and control measures)
  • outlined procedures for incidents and emergencies involving asbestos, including who is responsible for what
  • the information, consultation and training responsibilities to workers carrying out work involving asbestos

Other information that may be included in the asbestos management plan is:

  • an outline of how asbestos risks will be controlled, including consideration of appropriate control measures
  • a timetable for managing risks of exposure, for example priorities and dates for any reviews, circumstances and activities that could affect the timing of action
  • identification of each person with responsibilities under the asbestos management plan and the person’s responsibilities
  • procedures, including a timetable for reviewing and, if necessary, revising the asbestos management plan and asbestos register
  • air monitoring procedures at the workplace, if required

Accessibility of the management plan

The asbestos management plan must be maintained with up-to-date information and made available to any worker or the PCBU who has carried out or intends to carry out work at the workplace.

Health and safety representatives who represent workers at the workplace must also be given access when requested.

Review of the management plan

The asbestos management plan must be reviewed every five years or when requested by a health and safety representative.

A review must also occur when asbestos is removed, disturbed, sealed or enclosed, or when changes to a control measure are made or when the plan is no longer adequate.